There are 417 photos tagged with M62, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The eastbound Revolution Laundry machine.
The eastbound Costa Drive Thru.
Travelodge Manchester Birch M62 Eastbound.
The eastbound amenity building.
The Welcome Break Gaming area.
The coach interchange, now occupied by Alfa Travel.
The Revolution Laundry machine.
The Welcome Break forecourt.
The main conical-shaped building.
The filling station at Burtonwood.
The WHSmith store at Burtonwood, with a Starbucks on the Go machine inside it.
Inside the services, facing the Krispy Kreme kiosk and the doorway to the toilets. There is also some WHSmith
The gaming arcade at Burtonwood, plus some more seating in the foreground.
The Starbucks offer at Burtonwood, with KFC to the left.
The KFC restaurant at Burtonwood, with some seating in the foreground and the Starbucks unit to the right.
The front of Burtonwood services at night time.
Brewers Fayre Aire & Calder and Premier Inn Goole.
The dailyDeli counter and Subway concession.
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