Photos of M1
There are 1,938 photos tagged with M1, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The northbound Costa unit.
The northbound KFC unit.
The northbound Pret A Manger unit.
The northbound M&S Simply Food unit.
The northbound WHSmith unit.
The smaller of the two northbound &Play gaming areas.
The first of two northbound &Play gaming areas.
The northbound Burger King unit.
The northbound West Cornwall Pasty kiosk.
The northbound Greggs unit.
bp Moto Toddington North Services MWSA.
The northbound Wash.ME machine.
The northbound Costa Drive Thru.
The northbound high-powered GRIDSERVE EV chargers.
The northbound low and medium power GRIDSERVE EV chargers.
The northbound amenity building.
The refreshed southbound M&S Simply Food unit.
The smaller of two southbound &Play gaming areas.
The larger of two southbound &Play gaming areas.
The southbound Burger King unit.
The southbound Costa unit.
The southbound KFC unit.
The southbound Krispy Kreme and Urban Legend doughnut stands.
The southbound WHSmith unit.
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