Photos of M11
There are 119 photos tagged with M11, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The plaque commemorating the opening of Birchanger Green services back in 1995, stored securely upstairs in
The Changing Places unit.
The Starbucks unit.
The KFC unit.
The new Taco Bell unit.
The new hybrid unit, trading as Chopstix.
The Subway unit.
The Little Waitrose unit.
The second of two Game Zones.
The first of two Game Zones.
The WHSmith unit.
The Burger King unit, currently under refurbishment.
The new Pret A Manger unit.
The Revolution Laundry machine.
Ramada London Stansted M11.
The Starbucks drive-thru.
Shell Birchanger MWSA.
Days Inn London Stansted M11.
The main building.
The Little Waitrose and Partners store.
The Good Breakfast unit.
The food court offerings.
The Chopstix Noodle Bar unit.
The Burger King restaurant.
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