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Below are the 12 photos we have that are tagged with Lisburn. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
The new services at Lisburn, viewed from the forecourt.
Looking at the amenity building and drive thru, from the car park.
Inside the new Lisburn northbound services.
The main entrance to the services.
The (very sunny) filling station, seen from the motorway exit.
The Burger King drive thru.
The amenity building at Lisburn, looking from the car park exit towards the entrance.
The seating area at Lisburn, with a play area in the background.
Looking across Subway, Greggs and Chopstix, viewed from the upper level.
The giant totem pole at Lisburn.
The northbound services still under construction.
Construction begins on the services.
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