Photos of Leicester Forest East
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There are 155 photos tagged with Leicester Forest East, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
A low-resolution view of the building at Leicester Forest East.
Ross's postcard, showing the balcony and striking building.
Restaurant, 1970s
Restaurant, 1970s
Self-service restaurant, 1970s
The Automobile Association kiosk outside Leicester Forest East southbound, pictured in 1972.
The services in Welcome Break's old colours.
Standing in the doorway before the refurbishment. '60s heaven!
The old Food Connection restaurant.
A famous sight of the bridge, in the rain.
Leicester Forest East in 2007.
The repainted bridge, it has since been painted a fourth time and is now black.
The fast food outlets.
The food hall on the bridge.
KFC, anyone? This tower is visible as you approach on the motorway.
Coffee Primo Express with in the EAT IN restaurant on the bridge at Leicester Forest East.
LFE being refurbished to house the new Waitrose store.
The building over the services in 2010.
The southbound fuel forecourt.
The new northbound entrance, to account for the Waitrose extension.
An unsual map of the facilities at the services.
The new entrance to LFE northbound.
Standing back to look at the whole amenity building, and it suddenly doesn't seem so attractive!
The temporary toilet block, caged in as a devious way to ensure people still enter the amenity building.
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