Photos of Kingdom
Below are the 11 photos we have that are tagged with Kingdom. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
As close as Kingdom services get to the A92. Look at the price of fuel!
The lorry park at Kingdom.
The road to Kingdom has lorries parked on it.
The petrol station at Kingdom.
The boarded up amenity building for the former Kingdom Services, as viewed from the car park (A92-M90 spur
From left. The boarded up protruding bits downstairs are the old Wimpy drive-thru windows. The seating area
This is the east side of the amenity building with the old entrance and foyer in shot.
Looking west across the car park. Photo is taken from the car area. The small landscape strip has another bit
What remains of Kingdom Services today. Totally flattened and awaiting redevelopment
Chequerboard tiles show where the restaurant seating area was. For a brief time this was Peggy Sue's Diner
Strain your eyes and you can just see the markings on the road for what was once the Wimpy Drive thru. The