There are 35 photos tagged with Kellys Kitchen, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The former northbound Kelly's Kitchen is now home to an 'adult superstore'.
The former Kelly's Kitchen restaurant now plays home to Our Eastern Dreamz.
The former restaurant building now sits empty and ready for demolition.
The former restaurant building.
The back of the former Kelly's Kitchen building, now home to Maahis.
Maahi's Indian Bangladesh Cuisine, housed in the former Kelly's Kitchen restaurant.
The former Kelly's Kitchen, Little Chef and Buddies USA Diner restaurant now sits empty.
The former Kelly’s Kitchen and Little Chef restaurant, now home to White Arches.
The former Fradley North Kelly's Kitchen and Little Chef restaurant, now home to Pulse & Cocktails.
The former Fradley South Kelly's Kitchen and Little Chef restaurant, now home to Amtrain.
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