There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The slightly refurbished southbound services.
A strange, half-burned building on the southbound side, which now seems to only promote Waitrose.
The temporary toilet block, caged in as a devious way to ensure people still enter the amenity building.
Standing back to look at the whole amenity building, and it suddenly doesn't seem so attractive!
The new entrance to LFE northbound.
An unsual map of the facilities at the services.
The services in 2014, with little A4 notices announcing they're closed.
The original entrance to the services, now more boarded up than the rest of it. Is that building peeling back
Once a children's play area - now more of a wild garden.
More overgrown foliage at the back of the services.
The coach driver's entrance to the services, no longer open.
The BP garage under Euro Garage's reign.
The greatest survivor of Granada's involvement in Markfield.
All that remains of the Markfield totem pole.
A newly-repainted Donington Park.
The Little Chef at Talke.
An overflow car park - now no longer required.
The northbound amenity building at Strensham - is that Take-a-Break blue?
A sign for the air ambulance - I still believe "the only service station with..." is an attempt at a slogan.
A rare branded sign on the exit to the services.
More detail on how the amenity building is made, visible in the delivery yard.
Being new services, the circulatory roads are wide and spacious.
The artificial hills on either side shield the building, and create a quieter atmosphere.
The main body of the services.
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