There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The new BP filling station.
The new Starbucks at Ross Spur.
An overview of the site, and the grass roof.
It's a long drive to Centurion services.
The restaurant at Cirencester.
The Travelodge motel, somewhat resembling a castle.
A feast of signs outside the restaurant.
The Texaco garage, with a locally-styled forecourt shop.
The original Starbucks drive thru, post-refurbishment.
The rear access road, fully open.
Detail of the unusual roof.
The new Arlos restaurant, at the back of Chieveley.
The full extent of the amenity building, seen from the rear, roughly where the mainline of the A34 would have
As of 2015, the only remaining evidence of Little Chef.
The former Travelodge returns as a Days Inn motel.
Life returning to the services, as McDonald's opens. It still looks underwhelming though.
The entrance to the restaurant collection of buildings.
Detail of the unusual buildings, this one a closed trucker's cafe.
The teepees/amenity buildings, seen under painfully poor lighting.
The walkway connecting the car park to the services, with the hotel on the right, as the sun sets.
The full extent of the amenity building, with the shops on the right, and the old-fashioned restaurant on the
A strangely-worded sign pointing to a Texaco garage, shielded by the hill.
The front of the services, showing the full courtyard.
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