There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The hotel, which was still under construction.
The Cherry Tree Farm Pub-Restaurant was built with the services, can be found next to them and is accessed
This sign was put up to let drivers know what was going on here.
You can see where the road would have continued ahead but now it bends into the roundabout.
The services earlier in 2008, when they were under construction.
A close-up on the back of the building (or the front of the fuel forecourt).
The grounds surrounding the services.
A sign explaining the fancypants drainage system at Hopwood Park.
A drainage overflow lake at the services. Most of the excess water is pumped into a water fountain.
A model of the services, on display inside it.
Standing back a bit, with the chairs and tables in the foreground and choice of fast food in the background.
The Eat In restaurant area.
Looking down on the services from the upper level.
Looking down on the services, at the WHSmith shop. The Menswear store is pretty much exclusive to the
The upper level Coffee Primo unit.
The side of the services.
The front of the services.
The second half of the Travelodge motel, which was built to keep up with demand but appears to have sank in
The front of the services.
The coach park at the services.
The front of the services, they are very similar to Hopwood Park.
The second Coffee Primo unit at Oxford.
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