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There are 58 photos tagged with Ilminster, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Shell garage at Ilminster.
The Travelodge motel at Ilminster.
The combined Little Chef and Burger King restaurant.
The Travelodge motel at Ilminster in September 2018.
The Shell filling station at Ilminster in September 2018, now including a Select branded store and deli by
The EG Diner and Burger King restaurants at Ilminster in September 2018.
The main amenity building at Ilminster in March 2019, now trading as a Burger King only site.
The former Little Chef/EG Diner seating area and restaurant in March 2019, now stripped out and laying bare.
Another shot of the stripped out former Little Chef/EG Diner restaurant at Ilminster in March 2019.
The plans on display for the refurbishment.
The Shell filling station.
The Burger King banner explaining this site is shut... but Podimore is the next one open.
Ilminster’s main building under refurbishment.
The main amenity building.
The new Sainsbury's On the go store.
The refurbished and relocated Burger King restaurant.
The Spar store at Ilminster.
The Shell filling station.
The amenity building and Burger King Drive Thru.
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