Photos of Ghost slip
Below are the 11 photos we have that are tagged with Ghost slip. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
A clutter of signs have been placed around the unused exit for Long Whatton services.
The ghost slips reserved for Harborough Magna services, looking north.
Looking east towards the site of Hensall services, with an onslip clearly visible.
Standing back a bit, and you can see that where the unused sliproad stops is exactly where the other
The westbound onslip.
Looking south from the northbound site, you can clearly see where the exit for the services should have been.
Looking north, at the unused sliproads for the unbuilt Hatfield services.
An overview of the unbuilt Hatfield services, looking south.
This should be the exit for the services.
Where the original exit to the services should have been (right).
An aerial view of the land that was allocated for Tibshelf services, showing the ghost slips.