There are 62 photos tagged with Ecotricity Electric Highway, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
I wanted a photo to show the new electric parking bay, but it was taken up by this non-electric car.
One of Welcome Break's new electric charging points.
An electric charging point.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging point at Taunton Deane southbound.
Electric car charging at Leigh Delamere.
Electric vehicle charging point at Frankley.
The front of the southbound services.
The Ecotricity charging point at Leigh Delamere East.
A very small picnic area, and a new home for the statues.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Severn View.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Gordano.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Leigh Delamere West in 2015.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Leigh Delamere East in 2015.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Magor in 2015.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging point at Tiverton in 2015.
The front of the services in 2016.
The Ecotricity charging points at Michaelwood North in February 2016.
The Ecotricity charging points at Michaelwood South in February 2016.
The Ecotricity charging points at Sedgemoor South in March 2016.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Cardiff West in September 2016.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Pont Abraham in September 2016.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Swansea West in September 2016.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Sarn Park in September 2016.
The Ecotricity electric vehicle charging points at Cardiff Gate in September 2016.
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