There are 364 photos tagged with Disused Buildings, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
A closed-to-the-public building at Woolley Edge, with the usual architecture.
The abandoned police building at Rivington northbound.
The former Yorkshire Maid shop has been closed and is now being used as a storage space for disused
An abandoned building at Leigh Delamere West.
The services in 2014, with little A4 notices announcing they're closed.
The original entrance to the services, now more boarded up than the rest of it. Is that building peeling back
Once a children's play area - now more of a wild garden.
More overgrown foliage at the back of the services.
The coach driver's entrance to the services, no longer open.
A now-empty EDC at Frankley.
A former police building behind Leigh Delamere westbound, now closed.
The former northbound Travelodge - what will happen to it?
Entrance to the closed Travelodge at Sutton Scotney.
Entrance to the closed Travelodge.
The abandoned Travelodge at Sutton Scotney southbound - what will Roadchef do with it?
The derelict building at Markham.
I just love the designs in this place. Not all 1960s architecture was rubbish.
This was where you sat to eat a meal in the tower at Forton. The seating went right round the edge of the
The sun deck on the top of the Pennine Tower.
A nicely styled wooden ceiling, somewhat grand for an abandoned training centre.
One of the offices fitted in to the Pennine Tower, with its lovely green carpet.
Stairwell at the Pennine Tower - permanently closed for safety reasons.
End of the preserved area at the Pennine Tower, where new partitioning for training rooms takes over. The
The seating area in the former Pennine Tower restaurant, with radiators and furnishings stripped, and showing