Photos of Chieveley
There are 117 photos tagged with Chieveley, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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The amenity building.
The Revolution Laundry machine.
The external West Cornwall Pasty kiosk.
The external children's play area hidden behind the amenity building.
The newly refurbished Costa Coffee seating area.
The iced drinks offerings within the WHSmith store.
The WHSmith store.
The newly refurbished Costa Coffee store.
The Full Hou$e gaming area.
The Lucky Coin gaming area.
The external Costa Coffee kiosk.
The Greggs store.
Travelodge Newbury Chieveley M4.
The former Arlo's Kitchen hatch still remains.
A map of the site before the Greggs store was added.
The Costa store, with new additional Costa cabinet.
The Burger King restaurant.
The West Cornwall Pasty kiosk.
The new Food to Go selection in the WHSmith store featuring f'real Milkshakes and Tango Ice Blast.
The WHSmith store.
The M&S Simply Food store.
The Full Hou$e gaming area.
The Lucky Coin gaming area.
The external Costa kiosk.
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