Photos of Charnock Richard
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There are 149 photos tagged with Charnock Richard, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
A model of one of the independent operator's proposals for Charnock Richard.
An artist's impression of one of the rejected proposals for Charnock Richard, 1961.
An artist's impression of what it would have been like driving past Charnock Richard services.
Lots of people attend the opening ceremony for the M6 and Charnock Richard services.
The entrance to the service area in 1963.
This is an aerial photograph taken just after the motorway opened in 1963. I worked for the Company that
A rare example of a nighttime postcard, from the opening of the M6 at Charnock Richard.
Charnock Richard in the 1960s.
A similar view, looking south.
A third postcard.
Another postcard, would it be fair to say Forte were proud of this service area?
Another view of the services on an old postcard.
The building at Charnock Richard, pictured in the mid-1960s.
The Granary at Charnock Richard.
The services straddling the M6. That bridge is quite a horrible thing, but inside it's a lot nicer.
The northbound entrance to this exciting service area.
A car park in the snow.
A disused police building.
Entrance of southbound services
A plaque showing us when did the services open
Starbucks at Charnock Richard southbound
Krispy Kreme doughnuts kiosk
WHSmith outlet at the southbound services
KFC at Charnock Richard, on the bridge
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