Photos of Burger king
There are 47 photos tagged with Burger king, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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The McDonald's outlet at Chester services.
The WHSmith store at Chester services.
The Fresh Food Cafe outlet at Chester services.
The front of the services with WHSmith, KFC and Eat In being advertised.
The Eat In at Hartshead Moor which is soon to become a Subway outlet.
The Starbucks Coffee at Hartshead Moor.
The KFC outlet at Hartshead Moor westbound.
The WHSmith outlet at Hartshead Moor eastbound.
Inside the new Greggs outlet at Birch eastbound.
The entrance to the eastbound services in 2014.
The Burger King at Birch eastbound services with the latest Burger King style.
The Costa Coffee unit at Birch eastbound.
The last remaining EDC outlet at Birch westbound after the eastbound side closed/ It was replaced by Ernie's
The WHSmith store at Birch westbound.
The M&S Simply Food outlet at Birch westbound.
The Burger king unit on the westbound side.
the front of Birch services westbound
The Welcome Break Gaming room at Hartshead Moor eastbound.
The front of the services
the smallest costa in the building
the self serve units at Stafford (north)
the EDC unit at Stafford (north)
The Burger King at the Moto side of Stafford services (Moto oper
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