Photos of Burger King
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There are 1,058 photos tagged with Burger King, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Burger King unit upon opening in the 1990s.
The bright red sign at the entrance to Bicester Little Chef in 1996.
The entrance to a Granada service area. Source unknown.
'90s Burger King branding at Stafford.
The Granada Burger King, pictured in 1997.
A selection of '90s logos at the entrance to Cherwell Valley.
Stafford services with full Granada branding.
The Little Chef and Burger King facilities, pictured in 2000.
The amenity building in 2000, showing evidence of the recently-defunct Granada.
Little Chef signage on the main amenity building at Cardiff Gate.
The old Burger King logo, on the wall of Bridgwater services.
A Kelly's Kitchen-style road sign, with old Travelodge and Burger King logos.
The Little Chef-Burger King combination site at Stonehouse (Oldbury).
An old Burger King at Hilton Park.
Two eateries - the Little Chef later closed.
The Burger King outlet, which seems to be selling a new dairy ice cream(!) Inside is 3rd pole.
The fast food outlets.
Rainton services - you can't miss them!
The eating area with the choices of fast food in the background.
The choice of places to eat.
Monmouth services. My eyes!
This is the first people see of Oxford Peartree as they leave the road. Nice, eh?
The Burger King at Frankley.
Burger King at Hilton Park.
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