There are 106 photos tagged with A90, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The conservatory area fronts the car park and sits adjacent to the main canteen seating and servery with
The conservatory area fronts the car park and sits adjacent to the main canteen seating and servery with
Again a proper old school 1970s servery thatb looks very like some of the original MSAs. This one still
The kiosk as viewed and accessed through its other window onto the foyer, which looks onto the car park.
The original shop at Stracathro. Originally this was like a kiosk with two little windows, just to the right
The main Stracathro seating area is a vision of paper lightshades, formica tables and seats which fold up/
A shot showing the windows and the tasty 70s lightshades in the posh seating area. The windows to the right
The seating area for the restaurant for Stracathro was originally split into 3 parts. This is the fancier bit
Peggy Scott's restaurant.
The Finavon Hotel and café.
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