Photos of A303
There are 531 photos tagged with A303, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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McDonald's Sparkford.
The Select store.
Shell Hazelgrove.
The PodPoint EV charger.
The Starbucks store, housed in the most famous former Little Chef building in the UK.
bp Popham SF Connect.
The Starbucks drive thru.
The former Subway unit, still hoarded off in the middle of the shop.
The Greggs concession.
Asda Micheldever Express Petrol.
Esso Asda Micheldever Express Petrol.
Londis MFG Barton Stacey.
Esso MFG Barton Stacey.
The Starbucks store, housed in the former Little Chef building.
Travelodge Barton Stacey.
bp The Buck SF Connect.
The eastbound Subway unit.
The eastbound Greggs unit.
The eastbound Starbucks drive thru.
The eastbound evpoint charger.
Asda Weyhill East Express Petrol.
bp Asda Weyhill East Express Petrol.
The westbound Greggs unit.
The westbound Starbucks drive thru.
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